- To give public recognition to acts of bravery by bestowing awards on those who risk their own lives in saving or attempting to save the lives of others.
- To assist by a Relief Fund award recipients who are disadvantaged or physically handicapped by their gallant actions. The Relief Fund is also available to the dependants of those whose attempted rescue earns a posthumous award.
In its early days the RHSA also initiated swimming and life-saving training and the provision of life-saving apparatus wherever needed. Various other societies and movements have succeeded the RHSA in these later objects and now the RHSA concerns itself with giving suitable recognition to the many acts of bravery which qualify for consideration and with its Relief Fund activities.
The Royal Humane Society of Australasia can bestow bravery awards:
On acts of bravery, (regardless of the nationality of those involved), that occur within Australia's territorial boundaries, (excluding NSW where there is a separate kindred Society); The Royal Humane Society of NSW www.braveryaward.org, Tel: (02) 9265 2773.
Since its inception in 1874, the RHSA has considered the nominations of 12,400 people and made 8,650 awards.
Other kindred Societies
The Royal Humane Society (UK) - www.royalhumanesociety.org.uk The Royal Humane Society awards medals and certificates throughout the year to people who've put themselves at risk to save, or attempt to save, someone else.
The Royal Humane Society of New Zealand -www.royalhumanesociety-nz.com
Royal Canadian Humane Association - www.canadabraveryawards.com
Foundation for Civilian Bravery - Sri Lanka - www.civilianbravery.org